KCBS Board of Directors Special Meeting Agenda For May 29, 2019 7:00pm

Kansas City Barbeque Society
Board of Directors Special Meeting
May 29, 2019 at 7:00pm CST
Roll Call:  Dennis Polson, Alan Sellers, Candy Weaver, Randy Bigler, David Qualls, Richard Fergola, Haymo Gutweniger, Myron Berry

President Candy Weaver - Declaration of Quorum,  per Section 5.06 of the Bylaws

KCBS Office:  Carolyn Wells, Heath Hall.
Purpose of Special Meeting;
Board Treasurer Jason Cole, notified the Board on May 20, 2019 at 9:42pm CST  of his resignation from the Board which has reduced the number of Directors below the required Minimum as required in Section 4.02
"Section 4.08 ..... If for any reason the number of Directors falls below nine (9), then the Board shall call a special election for the members to elect Directors to increase the number of the Board to nine (9) members.
Business for Consideration.

Discussion and Consideration of procedures and actions needed to comply with Article IV of the Bylaws including the determination of Directors and call for election to fill the vacant seat of the Board.

Election of Treasurer for the Board of Directors for the remainder of the current year.

Adjourn or Suspend