Special Election Results For Approval of Sale Or Real Estate

The Special Election called for member approval of the sale of Real Estate as required by Missouri Non Profit Law concluded on December 10 at 11:59pm CST  The Certified Results from Veith Consulting are as follows;

Total KCBS Members eligible to vote were 17,573 Missouri Law requires at least 10% of the eligible members to participate in the election of which 2/3 of the ballots cast must be in favor for the measure to pass.

Election Results
Total Votes Cast 1,959 - 11% of eligible voters

Yes for Approval 1855 - 94.7%
No Against Approval 104 - 5.3%

Measure passes passed and approval of sale granted by membership vote.

Certification can be viewed at this link:

The Board of Directors would like to thank the membership for your support of approving this measure.