KCBS BOD Quick Notes - February 2020

Kansas City Barbeque Society
Board of Directors’ Meeting Agenda
February 7-8, 2020
Call To Order
Meeting was called to order at 5:41pm By Carolyn Wells
Roll Call: 
Alan Sellers, Candy Weaver, Randy Bigler, David Qualls, Richard Fergola, Haymo Gutweniger, Myron Berry, Ralph Williams, Nancy Goldsmith,Rick Wagner, David McAllister, and Chiles Cridlin via Video Conference.
KCBS Office:  Carolyn Wells, Emily Detwiler, Karrin Murphy
Election of 2020 Board Officers
The Following Members were elected as Officers
President, Candy Weaver
Vice-President, Alan Sellers
Treasurer, Rick Wagner
Secretary, David Qualls
Board pledge:
Recognizing barbeque as America’s cuisine, the mission of the Kansas City Barbeque Society is to celebrate, teach, preserve and promote barbeque as a culinary technique, sport and art form.
I accept my duties as a KCBS director to further the KCBS mission so that truth, justice, excellence in barbeque and the American way of life may be strengthened and preserved forever.
Membership Requests to Address the Board:   None
Minutes of Last Meeting
David Qualls: I move to accept minutes of the January 8, 2020 regular Meeting
Second- Sellers- Motion Passed Unanimously
Financial Statements
Myron Berry:   Attached is the December 2019 financial report.  Please accept this report.
Contest Report – Kim Collier See Attachment A
Need Board Approval –
Sanctioning Report:
Myron Berry: Kim Collier reported that there are no conflicts with contests. The Ad Hoc Organizers Committee (a part of Sanctioning Committee) met and discussed the following:
  1. Review of the Organizers Guide and completion of a final Organizers Guide
  2. List speed bumps that affect event and competition success
  3. Identify best practices that organizer may use to help foster event results
  4. Document activities to promote organizers to utilize existing resources and/or create better communication among organizers
The members of the committee were each assigned a section of the current organizers guide to edit for any needed updates and will report back next month with any needed updates.
Discussion followed on speed bumps, identification of best practices and activities to promote organizers to utilize existing resources. 
Myron Berry- I move to waive the 90-day requirement and approve sanctioning for the Hartselle, AL Backyard Contest
Second- Gutweniger – Motion Passed Unanimously
Social Media / Member Liaison Committee: *Note- This Committee is charged with communication, education, marketing and membership issues. 
Alan Sellers: Committee phone call with the discussion points covered in the phone meeting of the committee. Jan 20 th conference call:  SM-MScommittee@kcbs.us the 3rd Monday in the month, Monday, at 4:00 pm Kansas City time , Jennifer Eggleston, Alan Sellers,
Notes for our committee discussion:
  1. Explore more Kid-Que events and develop a plan to reach out to all Organizers.
  2. High School Sports and how to reach the culinary teachers in all schools to see if there is any interest to build a training and competition programs
  3. Culinary teacher’s national association and make a probe to see if we can gain traction.
International Committee: None
Strategic Planning Committee: None
CBJ Committee: None
Rep Committee
Randy Bigler: The meeting was held on Tuesday 4 Feb. in attendance was Lynda Voth, Bill and Debbie Gage, Haymo Gutweniger, Nancy Mueller, Mike Winter and Randy Bigler.
A discussion was held on the table matrix and on how to get from 6-7 boxes to just 5-6 boxes when we have more than 4 tables. I asked the committee to look at any changes or updates to the rep advisories for next meeting. Finalizing Scripts to be used by Reps for the Cooks, Judges and Table Captains Meetings.
Technology Committee
Event Committee: 
Randy Bigler: Discussion was had on the location and date of the Nov 2020 banquet and invitational.
Nominating Committee:  None
Old Business   None
New Business
  • Discussion and Possible Motion on Team of the Year Categories and Criteria
For Quick Notes, discussion and votes would go here
  • Discussion and Possible Motion on adopting a Consent Agenda for Board Meetings as per Robert’s Rules.
David Qualls: I move to add a Consent Agenda to the regular Monthly Agenda for Board Meetings beginning for the March of 2020 Board Meetings
Second-Berry- Motion Passed Unanimously
David Qualls: I move to recess the meeting until Saturday February 8, 2020 at 8:00 am
Second- Goldsmith- Motion Passed Unanimously
Meeting Recessed Saturday February 8, 2020 at 7:39pm
Meeting Reconvened at 8:02am
Closed Session Agenda:
  • Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director Reports
  • Discussion of Financial Reports
  • Discussion of Independent Contractors and Agreements.
  • Discussion of Real Estate
  • Discussion of Legal Matters
  • Discussion on Contest
Myron Berry: I move to Enter into Closed Session
Second- Gutweniger- Motion Passed Unanimously
Entered Closed Session at 8:02am
Reconvened into Open Session at 4:40pm
After Closed Session:
The Board may take any necessary actions including Motions on any or all matters discussed in closed session
David McAllister: I move that we establish a pilot single meat contest program that will count toward Master Series Team Of The Year Category points. The pilot program will consist of Ribs only and will be a companion to four meat Master Series contests
Second- Fergola- Motion Passed Unanimously
Rick Wagner: I move to establish a processing fee for all transactions.
Second- Qualls- Motion Passed Unanimously
Rick Wagner: I move to raise the team fee from $12 to $15 on Masters and Competitors Series Contests Effective June 1, 2020
Second- Goldsmith- Motion Passed Unanimously
David Qualls: I move Re-define the TOY Overall Category to be renamed as the United States Category for Team of The Year
Second- Fergola- Motion Passed Unanimously
David Qualls: I move to Confirm all Committee Appointments as listed
Nominating-Myron Berry

CBJ.-Ralph Williams Co-Chairs-Randy Bigler, Nancy Goldsmith, Alan Sellers
CBJ Instructors-Randy Bigler, Co-Chairs-Ralph Williams, Haymo Gutweniger

Contest Rep-Co-Chairs Randy Bigler, Ralph Williams, Haymo Gutweniger
*Note CEO Emily Detwiler will have Direct oversight of the Rep Committee.

Rules-Chiles Cridlin

Sanctioning-Myron Berry

Finance Committee-Rick Wagner, Co-Chair Myron Berry
Note: Finance Committee will have direct oversight over the following.
Scholarship-Nancy Goldsmith
Philanthropy 501c3 and c4.

Tech Committee-David McAllister, Co-Chair-Chiles Cridlin, David Qualls

Marketing-Richard Fergola, Co-Chair-David Qualls, Chiles Cridlin
Alan Sellers will Chair the Ambassador Program

International Operations of the European Union Region. Haymo Gutweniger

Bylaws-David Qualls, Co-Chair-Rick Wagner
Second- Sellers- Motion Passed Unanimously
Adjourn or Suspend
Myron Berry: I move to Adjourn
Second- Williams- Motion Passed Unanimously
Meeting Adjourned at 4:45pm