Chris Shores - Lebanon, TN
1. Please describe the skills you possess which would make you an asset as a board member, in dealing with the challenges facing KCBS, and give an example of how those skills would serve the KCBS board of Directors and its membership.
I feel that I can provide valuable information obtained through my contact with judges and cooks throughout the BBQ season as well as share my vast personal knowledge from both my culinary training and my extensive professional IT experience. These attributes will help me be a great asset to the KCBS Board of Directors and serve the membership to the best of my ability.
2. If you are a Cook, Judge, Organizer, Rep or Backyard Cook, please identify the major KCBS issues concerning one of the areas in which you are involved. Describe the major issue, your strategies to correct or improve the issue and what you see as the biggest challenge to the success of your plan.
In my time as a KCBS member, I have seen numerous contests that have been around for many years now being cancelled or not coming back. I have also seen that the general membership numbers are falling and that a large percentage of current members are not invested in the success of the KCBS. These issues should be in the forefront for the Board and inclusion of membership surveys, questionnaires, and personal interaction with members should be used for feedback. The biggest challenge would seem to be getting current members more involved and letting the Board know what their likes and dislikes are to help shape the future of the KCBS.
3. Identify your major short-term goal and the major long-term goal, if elected to the Board of KCBS and your plan to implement change or improvement in order to carry out each of these goals.
My major short-term goal would be to get the membership involvement level in the KCBS to increase which will help with membership retention. My long-term goal would be working on ways to increase new memberships and keep contests returning on a year to year basis while expanding the KCBS into new areas which would help bring in new contests and members.
4. If elected please explain "your level of commitment, time and energy" for committee projects and monthly reports, board meetings and attendance, as well as representing KCBS to the public and being responsive to our members. Board members typically volunteer 4-6 hours a month to Board meeting; Committee Chairs typically volunteer 2-4 hours a month and general Board Work a minimum of 6-8 hours a month.
I am a recent empty nester which has afforded me more time for extracurricular activities and hobbies. I will use some of this newly found time to work on KCBS Board of Directors activities and commitments. I feel that giving time to my Board duties and other commitments would be doing my part to contribute to the success and improvement of the KCBS.
5. Please describe your previous participation in KCBS activities and years of experience.
I just had my 6-year anniversary as a KCBS member. In this time, I became a Certified BBQ Judge, Certified Table Captain, and Master Certified BBQ Judge. As part of the requirements to become a Master Judge I competed in a professional contest as an individual to fully experience what it is like to be a competition cook.
6. Please explain why you want to be a member of the KCBS Board of Directors.
I have been involved in BBQ in one way or another since I was a child watching my dad work the pit. As an adult I have involved my kids in all things culinary which includes my youngest daughter also being a CBJ. Serving on the Board of Directors would be a great way for me to help promote and improve something that I have a passion for and to support the mission of the KCBS and promote barbeque as a culinary technique, sport and art form.