Cliff Davis
- Why do you want to be a member of the KCBS Board of Directors?

I’ve resided in and around Kansas City for most of my life, and have had a lifelong passion for BBQ. I thoroughly enjoy being a member of KCBS because I find the KCBS mission, people and personalities involved in KCBS, to be tremendous. I want to help KCBS grow its membership, expand the number and quality of contests, assure well-trained judges, strengthen the KCBS balance sheet, and for KCBS to be well positioned for a stable long-term future.
I am offering my time, talent, and expertise to KCBS as a board member. If elected, I pledge to not be paid in any way, directly or indirectly, as a result of my board participation.
- Identify the major issues (Cook, Judge, Organizer, Rep or Backyard Cook) in which you are involved.
I have competed with a team, Overland Pork BBQ, for 13 years, and am a Certified Master BBQ Judge. As a judge, I enjoy debating with fellow judges about what we like and don’t like about BBQ; all of which is healthy, fun, and essential for balanced judging. That said, I have occasionally heard misconceptions about KCBS judging standards and I see a need for continuing education/re-education of judges. From a BBQ team perspective, I think addressing the ongoing education is paramount.
As a judge and competitor, I have observed that most contest organizers are very well prepared and equipped. A few are not. I’ve witnessed KCBS reps having to really scramble because of lack of preparation on the part of a few of the organizers. A training program for organizers should be considered.
There are some sanctioned contests where judges cannot sign up via KCBS.US. This should probably be addressed.
- Identify your major short-term goal and the major long-term goal, if elected to the Board of KCBS and your plan to implement change or improvement in order to carry out each of these goals.
Ahead of everything, if elected, I need to learn about the inner-workings of the Board and KCBS as a whole. I want to thoroughly understand KCBS history and reasoning for existing policy. This will give me solid footing for board participation.
My short-term goal would be to offer assistance to, and serve on, any committee that could benefit from my extensive business and previous board experience with other organizations.
My long-term goal would be to assist with, and offer ideas for, strengthening the outreach of KCBS to both its current and potential membership. I’m fundamentally a business relationship builder and I can see potential for expanded alliances with sponsors and retailers that could be beneficial to KCBS membership, and provide extra value. I will work with KCBS leadership and committees to pursue these opportunities.
My overall goal is to assist in maintaining a well-balanced KCBS as it relates to competitors and judges, robust member benefits, and a financially sound KCBS.
- The KCBS Board of Directors is a working board that spends 10-20 hours and possibly more per month in furthering the mission of KCBS depending on your role as a member of the board. If elected, please explain “ Your level of Commitment, Time and Energy “ in your role as a director.
My record demonstrates that I’m “all in” when I join a board, having been a non-paid member of a number of 501(c)(3) “working” boards. Specifically, Topeka Youth Project (past board member), Foundation for Sheltered Living (past board member), Topeka South Rotary/affiliate of Rotary International (past President, Paul Harris Fellow), Kansas City Caledonian Pipe Band (past President), Midwest Pipe Band Association (past Vice President, currently on the Advisory Board), and Midwest Highland Arts Fund (Charter board member, past Secretary, past President, and currently key volunteer.)
I have been a major donor/benefactor to most of these organizations.
Of note, my 20-year involvement with Midwest Highland Arts Fund (MHAF) has been significant. MHAF produces the annual “Winter Storm - The Pipes and Drums Event” in Kansas City, Missouri. MHAF enjoys a sterling reputation, solid finances, and has an international following; annually drawing 1000 participants and fans to Kansas City from across the U.S., Canada, and the World.
If elected to KCBS Board, I will devote the necessary time and energy to help make KCBS an ongoing success.
- List how you have participated in KCBS and for how long?
I have been a member of the Overland Pork BBQ team for the last 13 years. In 2013, I became a Certified BBQ Judge and now serve as a Certified Master BBQ judge.
- What skills do you possess that might help the KCBS Board of Directors in its mission, ie, Accounting, Legal, Marketing, etc.? How do you see using these skills as a KCBS Board of Director member?
Professionally, I have successfully owned and operated small businesses, as well as been employed in management roles in both large and small business organizations. Currently, I am the Director of Breathe Oxygen & Medical Supply, a large medical supply company, which primarily serves nursing homes and hospice organizations in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
My professional strengths include the ability to recognize and capitalize on market trends and impact bottom-line through strategic planning, pricing, and forecasting. I have a demonstrated record of success in operations, sales, and sales management. I’m a creative problem solver with the ability to drive sales, revenue growth, resolve conflicts, improve morale, instill customer service mentality, and consistently exceed sales and profit goals. I also have significant experience with website management and social media marketing.
I envision using my skills to help with KCBS sales and marketing decisions, budgetary decisions, policy decisions, member relations, contest organization, and website beta testing.