The Kansas City Barbeque Society
December 2018 Board Quick Notes
Kansas City Barbeque Society
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Quick Notes
Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm Central
Roll Call: Mike Peters, Wayne Lohman, Dennis Polson, Mike Richter, Arlie Bragg, Randall Bowman, Phillip Brazier, Jason Cole, Alan Sellers, Not present Jay Amsbaugh,
KCBS Office: Carolyn Wells, Kim Collier
Request to Speak:
Board Pledge:
Recognizing barbeque as America’s cuisine, the mission of the Kansas City Barbeque Society is to celebrate, teach, preserve and promote barbeque as a culinary technique, sport and art form.
I accept my duties as a KCBS director to further the KCBS mission so that truth, justice, excellence in barbeque and the American way of life may be strengthened and preserved forever.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Mike Peters: I move to accept minutes of the November meeting.
2nd - Wayne Lohman Motion passes unanimously
Financial Statements
Phillip Brazier: Attached is the November financial report. Pleased accept this report.
President’s Report:
I would like to publicly state in our open meeting for all members to hear, that it is disappointing to me to see for the first time in my tenure with KCBS as a member, smear and mudslinging campaigning launched during election time. I have heard so many false statements the past few weeks it is truly a shame that anyone that states they want to make things better has never taken the time to ask us a bod questions in regard to the accusations. We are all bound by an NDA that pertains to certain contractual issues but can answer questions honestly and straight forward. The rumor of KCBS be near insolvency is 100% ludicrous and unsubstantiated, KCBS did on our 2017 taxes show a 133k loss for net revenue, the reason for that is simple, funds due to us under a contractual agreement in 2017 turned into a legal matter that was not settled and payment made to KCBS until 2018, Simple cut and dry answer.
I fully expect our membership base to make the best decision for KCBS and the future but as an elected BOD member entrusted to protect KCBS and the members interest I feel I can no longer sit back silently and not correct dishonest statements made by anyone to gain ground for their personal agenda. The sale of the building is not complete and that is why it has not been spoken about much publicly, we certainly do not want to risk that being hurt, the facts for this situation are this. KCBS is in the BBQ event sanctioning business and NOT the landlord business, an unsolicited offer came to us and after brief discussions got into a price point that allowed KCBS to profit on the sell and return 100% focus to our mission and BBQ events. KCBS has taken a lot of heat from a few, some of this is warranted and some appear to just be to “bash” or “tear down”. The current state of social media and the willingness to just be hateful and negative is appalling to watch.
The entire BOD has and is working hard to look out for all of those that elected us to serve, Candidates you did not vote for may have gotten elected and some members may not agree with every choice made, that is what makes the democratic system work, the majority speaks and those elected have to work together to make positive change for the majority of our membership. BBQ is changing as it always has been, KCBS is Changing. New Technology is one of the many steps KCBS has invested in to give back to our membership as all will begin to see this next week.
I think it is important for anyone that thinks KCBS does not give back or does not give back enough to ask themselves, who offered you the platform to build your brand, to sell those classes, those products, get that new pit master job, be cast on that tv show. I hear personal agenda a lot and conflicts of interest. I do not think if you dig deep enough that anyone that has ever been passionate enough to run for a BOD seat is free from any of these. Everyone is paid to rep, has a product, runs events, etc. The problem with agendas is not if someone has one, it is if that agenda is selfish and only personal or if it is open and wide reaching. I will be 100% honest, I have an agenda as a BOD member, I want my Grand kids to be able to have some of the great experiences I have had, meet some great friends like I have. If I can help keep BBQ great like it is, then I will do whatever I can to do that. I want BBQ and KCBS especially to be as strong as it can be, to grow and reach new peaks. KCBS has its issue as we all know, if folks would take the time to help support rather than burn the house down to get their message across, we would all be better.
I am not here to get on a soapbox but to set the record straight on a few things being stated about our beloved KCBS that are just not true. I can look at any company’s tax return and state a case for just about any angle you can imagine, the problem is without facts to back the statements, I would just be making up stories. Anyone that wants to ask a question and get a factual answer should ask those that can answer the questions.
I am happy to answer all the questions I can. Transparency is a very easy thing to talk about but if questions are not asked and no opportunity is given to answer, where do we start. What is it that EVERYONE wants to know? I do not mean just one person, I mean the majority. If anyone has thoughts on this, please email me directly or the entire Board at and you will get an answer.
Randall Bowman
KCBS President
Sanctioning Report:
EventName |
StartDate |
EndDate |
ContestLocation |
*Interstate BBQ Festival |
4/19/2019 |
4/20/2019 |
Hagerstown, MD |
*Pork-A-Palooza |
4/19/2019 |
4/20/2019 |
Weatherford, OK |
*BBQ Boogie & Blues |
4/26/2019 |
4/27/2019 |
Calhoun, GA |
*Smokin For Garrett |
4/26/2019 |
4/27/2019 |
Boonville, IN |
Boss Hog State Championship Cook-OFF |
5/10/2019 |
5/11/2019 |
Waynesboro, GA |
Kelly Wilson BBQ (KWBBQ) |
5/31/2019 |
6/1/2019 |
Kansas City, MO |
*Knights Of Columbus BBQ Smoke Off 4 Life |
6/14/2019 |
6/15/2019 |
Kansas City, KS |
Leadville BBQ and Brew Fest |
6/21/2019 |
6/22/2019 |
Leadville, CO |
*Gold Ribbin' BBQ Fest of Greater Green Bay-Heat 1 |
7/12/2019 |
7/13/2019 |
Green Bay, WI |
*Gold Ribbin' BBQ Fest of Greater Green Bay-Heat 2 |
7/13/2019 |
7/14/2019 |
Green Bay, WI |
Ribs and Rhythm & Blues |
7/19/2019 |
7/20/2019 |
Auburn, NY |
*16th Annual UP IN SMOKE BBQ Bash |
8/9/2019 |
8/10/2019 |
Mason City, IA |
8th Annual Death Door Barbeque(DAY 1) |
8/23/2019 |
8/24/2019 |
Washington Island, WI |
Big Island BBQ |
8/23/2019 |
8/24/2019 |
Alberta Lea, MN |
8th Annual Death Door Barbeque(DAY 2) |
8/24/2019 |
8/25/2019 |
Washington Island, WI |
*Chamber Low and Slow Barbecue cook off |
8/30/2019 |
8/31/2019 |
Nevada, MO |
Colorado Pork & Hops Challenge |
9/6/2019 |
9/7/2019 |
Grand Jct, CO |
Puckaway Pigfest |
9/6/2019 |
9/7/2019 |
Montello, WI |
Apple Blossom BBQ Made with Uncommon Charter |
5/3/2019 |
5/4/2019 |
St. Joseph, MO |
*Grasshopper '19 |
5/10/2019 |
5/11/2019 |
DeSoto, KS |
Horse Town Brew N Que Festival |
5/31/2019 |
6/1/2019 |
Norco, CA |
*Summer Daze BBQ Classic |
8/24/2019 |
8/25/2019 |
Niagara Falls,Ontario, |
Smoke on the Waters |
9/7/2019 |
9/8/2019 |
Devon, |
*Smokin Blues & BBQ Festival |
10/18/2019 |
10/19/2019 |
Duncanville, TX |
*Smoke On the Border |
4/6/2019 |
4/7/2019 |
Gravette, AR |
Spit in the Hills |
5/4/2019 |
5/5/2019 |
Chidlow,Western, |
Roman Roast on the River |
5/10/2019 |
5/11/2019 |
Rome, GA |
*Dr.George Smith BBQ Brawl (COMPETITORS SERIES) |
5/10/2019 |
5/11/2019 |
Murfreesboro, TN |
Sun BBQFest |
5/31/2019 |
6/2/2019 |
Uncasville, CT |
*Blue Hills Bar-B-Q Fest |
5/31/2019 |
6/1/2019 |
Rice Lake, WI |
*Honeybee BBQ Competition |
5/31/2019 |
6/1/2019 |
LaFayette, GA |
Oklahoma Barbeque Championship |
6/22/2019 |
6/23/2019 |
Oklahoma City, OK |
*York County BBQ Festival |
6/28/2019 |
6/29/2019 |
Delta, PA |
*Lassen Annual BBQ Cook-Off |
8/16/2019 |
8/17/2019 |
Susanville, CA |
Tilley Harley-Davidson Biker Blues BBQ Rally and BBQ Classic |
9/20/2019 |
9/21/2019 |
Salisbury, NC |
Almost Heaven BBQ Bash |
6/7/2019 |
6/8/2019 |
Roanoke, WV |
*Smokin On The Buffalo |
6/14/2019 |
6/15/2019 |
Mannington, WV |
Need BOD Approval
Sertoma 48 Lawerence KS & Sugar Creek MO- 60 miles
Sue (Sugar Creek) is Ok with Lawerence Happening she cutting back to 48 teams also this year. she had 54 last year. Both organizers are fine with being on the same weekend. Both events will be capped at 48.
Mike Peters - Motion to accept sanctioning of both events.
2nd Al Sellars Motion passes unanimously
Sanctioning Committee Report
Committee met and discussed a conflicting event that then changed dates. No Report
Marketing Committee Report
Marketing/Social Media KCBS November 2018
(Stats through 11/01/18 – 11/30/18)
- Total page views for November: 627,302
- Total Unique Users for November: 71.115
- Time per Visit: 4.62 minutes
Great American Cookout Tour
- Working on 2019 stops and sponsorships.
Social Media, using KCBS, and GAC Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages to promote KCBS-related events/promotion
Twitter Followers: 16.424
- Twitter Impressions:71,008
- Instagram Followers: 5,112
- Instagram Impressions 34,119
- Facebook total Likes: 83,920
- Total Audience: 105,456
- Facebook Impressions: 404,437
- Facebook Post Clicks: 6,519
- Facebook Reactions: 27,024
Print Media Impressions for KCBS (Domestically) 11,823,174
Phillip Brazier - are these numbers good? Yes, improving and growing month over month. Print media is down as the season is winding down.
KCBS Marketing Committee Meeting
Meeting was held November 28th. We continue discussion and planning of the KCBS World Invitational. We discussed trophies proposals and rendering, sponsorships, teams and judges. The first round of judges have been selected. As more teams register, we will add more. To date, we have 65 teams registered. Plan to reach out through email blast and social media to promote and encourage qualifying teams to register. Due to the holidays, the 12/26 meeting will be rescheduled.
Phillip Brazier - Shooting for 11 tables. 77 judges over 23 states - 59 accepted over 17 states currently. If we add teams, will look for states not represented. Lots of interest in volunteer also. Over 700 CBJ’s signed up originally.
International Committee Report
2018 December International Board of Managers Report
The KCBS International IOTeam last trip of the year took us to our first BBQ event in South America, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Daniel & Mara Lee and their staff scheduled a two day cooking/judging class for 71 students that participated in the course. This event couldn’t have been better organized and will serve as the stepping stone for new BBQ contests and classes throughout Brazil in 2019. All students were competitive BBQ Teams who wanted training in cooking and judging. Three major regional contests are planned for different metropolitan areas throughout Brazil which we be supported by smaller contests in the 5 States of Brazil. Competition BBQ is extremely popular as a sport in Brazil and we expect it will spread to other countries in South America.
The International Board of Managers continues to work with Polsinelli in discussing the possible restructuring of KCBS International, LLC and Park Road on the effects of GDPR on our international operations in EU Countries. We expect 2019 to be a very challenging year for the International Board of Managers in achieving these changes.
Rules Committee Report
Per the request of the Board, the Rules Committee again discussed the instruction for judges to taste the chicken skin if the entry is presented with the skin. Therefore, the committee requests the Board approve replacing the word "should" with "shall" in the judging instruction statement.
The committee's next meeting is December 18th.
Mike Richter I make a motion to replace the word "should" with "shall" in the judging instruction statement.
2nd Al Sellers. Motion passes unanimously
How will this be communicated to the membership? Script of CD and CBJ classes will be corrected with this motion.
CBJ Committee Report
KCBS CBJ Committee Minutes
November 26, 2018 7 pm CST
Present: Dennis Polson, Chair; Jason Cole, Co-chair; Linda Polson, Recording Secretary; Maxine Kilgore, Carl Parrish, Frank Gonzales, Marge Plummer, Jon Amedei, Ralph Williams, Brian DeCoud, Phillip Brazier, KCBS BOD, and Carolyn Wells, KCBS Executive Director.
Dennis opened the meeting and reviewed the MCTC (Master Certified Table Captain) contest signature sheet developed by he and Frank. The committee approved the form. He reported on the MCTC test that Ralph is working on; the entire test will be forwarded to the committee for review when completed.
Several items for the MCTC Requirements & Guidelines were discussed and either approved or rejected. When finalized, the MCTC Requirements & Guidelines document will be sent to the committee for review.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm. The next meeting will be December 17
th at 7 pm.
Al Sellers - when do we think the new program will be rolled out? Dennis Polson - as soon as information gets brought together, it will be brought to the board for approval. Hopefully in January.
Rep Committee Report:
Rep Committee Meeting was held on December 11, 2018
The meeting began at 7:00 PM Central Time
Members present: Alan Rothrock, Steve Grinstead, Dennis Polson, Bill & Debbie Gage, Steve Alvarez, Ralph Williams, Kim Collier
Members absent: Mike Eberle, Bob & Terri McKinnon
Carolyn Wells, Executive Director, also, attended.
Phillip Brazier, Rep Chair, conducted the meeting.
Brazier began the meeting by sharing with the committee some items that had been brought to the Board from the Rules Committee.
One item was that a statement that needs to be added to the judge training program and to the script for the judge’s meetings at contests regarding help in defining tenderness. The statement would read something like this: “The bite and mouthfeel are the primary governing factors when determining tenderness of an entry. There should be some firmness to the meat without being tough or chewy. The meat should not be mushy or dry.”
Through discussion by the committee it was determined that should a rep see a judge using any method other than bites and/or the pull test for brisket, they should inform that judge that what they are doing is not a method taught in training and should not be used. Many judges are pinching, pressing, draping over the finger, etc. samples of meat and these are not, presently being taught by instructors.
The meeting was opened to hear ideas for the upcoming Rep Session at the KCBS banquet in January. The theme may be just an “open mike” for questions. However, there may need to be a portion of the meeting utilized for training for the new computer platform. That will be determined later.
It was asked if the Rep Session (along with any and all training type sessions) could be live streamed and, also, videoed for later viewing by those who could not be in attendance. Brazier said he would check into the possibilities.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:35 PM Central.
Technology Committee Report
Held 3 video conferences with organizers and contest reps. Very good feedback.
Initiated board online security training.
Due to the cutover of data, we will suspend activities/changes at EOD 12/12/18. This will allow final data dump to occur with vendor through the weekend. Monday, December 17 is the
anticipated “go live” of the new website and platform. Vendor will be holding one on one meetings with staff to cover membership changes. Consultants will be in KC on 12/17-12/21 to work side by side with staff through the changes.
Beginning on December 18:
1- Member Cards
The only members that will receive a physical mailed membership card are Lifetime Members. We will no longer physically mail a member card, welcome letter, and membership certificate. Members will receive a digital membership card and Certificate in their profile, and an email welcome letter. In discussing with staff, digital will be a concern for our older demographic and those using the Restaurant Depot membership perk. Board majority agreed the platform has been built behind the thought process of easing staff overload, automation of processes and communication. Technology committee is already working on a RD/membership solution that will be behind the member login.
2- Certificates:
a- Lifetime members will receive a physical AND digital Certificate.
b- QUESTION: Do we still want to physically mail CBJ & MCBJ Certificates? They will receive Digital Certificates which will allow to be printed.
3- BullSheet:
We will not offer a premium print option for the BullSheet on Go-Live. All members will receive printed BullSheet as they do today. We can easily implement this at any future date as been discussed in old business.
4- Member Login:
After “go live”, ALL members will be asked to login and accept updated terms and conditions in order to access the site. This will also ask for updated email and contact information as the new platform will be used for the 2019 KCBS BOD elections.
Communication on 12/10 should be 1. BOD agenda for 12/12, 2. Communication to membership that BOD quick notes and recording is expected to be available on 12/18 along with the new website. Was shared on social media platforms also.
Phillip Brazier - had several reps sit in on the video conferences and had no negative comments. Very few changes with the new platform and KCBScore. Reps involved with the late 2018/early 2019 contests will be involved. Only changes are how teams are inputted and fields cannot be left blank. Reports will be generated the same as the past. Website will still be New website will know that all users are new which will prompt for login.
Strategic Planning Committee Report
No Report
Banquet Committee Report
December 3, 2018
2019 KCBS Annual Banquet The KCBS Annual Banquet will soon be here! Please join us on January 18-19, 2019 at the Argosy Casino Hotel & Spa in Riverside, MO as we celebrate 2018 and kick off an exciting 2019 BBQ Year!
Register by January 11th to reserve your spot. Cost: $60 per person or $600 for a table of 10.
Date & Location:
January 18-19, 2019
Argosy Casino Hotel & Spa 777 N.W.
Argosy Casino Parkway Riverside, MO 64150
$129 per night For room reservations, call 866-238-4218
Or click here:
Banquet Dinner Menu:
Salad: Butter lettuce wedge salad with candied walnuts, goat cheese, blueberries and dates
Dressing: Blackberry vinaigrette or Hot bacon
Entrée: Petit Filet with Wine Demi/Bacon wrapped Diver Scallops
Starch: Yukon mashed potatoes
Vegetable: Tri-color baby carrots
Dessert: Red Velvet Cake w/chocolate dipped Strawberry or Profiteroles Puff Pastry
Contact for vegetarian option.
Membership Committee Report
Active Members 18,688
New Members 204
New from CBJ Class 97
Renewed Members 488
Non- Renewed 294
New from Website 85
Total Lifetime Members 1803
International Members 1666
Countries Represented 33
Members “auto” renewed 862
Nominating/Election Committee Report
Sent out email to all nominees informing them of a candidate advertisement that is available to them. While I was aware of this from past history, it did not cross my mind during the process. I would hope that this will be added to the confirmation email sent out to all nominees moving forward.
Bylaws 9.04 Voting and Proxies
Where directors or officers are to be elected by the members, such election may be conducted by mail or electronic ballot, in such manner as the board shall determine and which is in accordance with section 9.05.
Mike Peters moved: I move that the 2019 KCBS board election be conducted by electronic ballot. Second by Mike Richter
Mike Peters moved to amend the motion by adding mail ballet and the election close at 5pm January 16
Second by Phillip.
Motion to amend passed.
Motion as amended passed.
Amended MOTION - Mike Peters - I move that the 2019 KCBS board election be conducted by mail and electronic ballot running from January 2 through 5pm January 16.
The following has been posted on; The election voting shall begin the first business day of the year (January, 2nd 2019) through the Friday (January, 11th 2019 12:00PM (NOON) CST). The results will be announced at the KCBS Annual Banquet January 19, 2019. The extension in date will allow for any paper ballots to be submitted in compliance of the KCBS bylaws and 48 hours prior the meeting.
In the past KCBS has used a mixture of electronic ballot and mail. From my recollection, over the past 5 years, there has not been more than 5 paper ballots being received in any given election. This year KCBS is using the new platform which has an integrated election module. In the past KCBS has spent thousands of dollars for an outside company to handle the voting. The outside company has always certified results. KCBS has asked the platform developer to certify results of the upcoming election to insure fairness and transparency. Only the nominating committee chairman will have the results of the election which will be read the evening of the KCBS banquet.
Concerning the election process:
Old System New Platform
Spend over $7,000 annually for elections. Built within our new platform
Paid members by 12/15 to send data to election company Platform will recognize membership upon login.
Eblast had to happen to send election information to members Members will log into to vote so election can be promoted via email, social media, website
Office staff had to send out emails with PWD info Login to will allow members to reset own passwords and vote in elections
Election company certified results MemberLeap is setting up separate servers and will certify results
Nominating committee will also run a mock election to insure that all processes with the election module in the new platform perform as expected.
Education/Communication Committee Report
Notes to the board from the meeting:
Communications & Education Committee meeting. Dec 04, Tuesday 2018 3:30 pm Kansas City time
Notes for our agenda of the next board conference call:
- We discuss the official judges Facebook page and how we are at 631
- We discuss why Bill Jones’ GMCBJ & RMCBJ program that was presented to the CBJ committee and was just tabled. The Communication & Education committee wanted to know if any action to move this program forward was going to be taken in the future after the new web site is up and running.
- We also were asking for a clear directive as to what are our goals. In the area of Communication and Education.
- The Education side: With over ¾ of KCBS being judges, we presented a Judge training/ re-training program to be used as a frame work. We were told “NO”
- This program would help explain the scoring system “6 up” and “9 down” as they have been taught over the years. This was a frame work to build a program around. This causes the committee questions of viability.
- After reading all the BOD Bull sheet nominees statements as to why they are a good candidate for the board . We concluded most of them felt a Training program after a judge is first certified is a common thread that needs addressing.
- This program would help to bring judges a better understanding of their functions and get them into comps quicker and faster before their initial enthusiasm wanes. Long term goal would be to have a better judge.
Meeting was concluded.
Building Committee Report
2519 Madison Ave
11514 Hickman Mills Dr
Philanthropy Committee Report
Working on the 2019 college scholarship process. Online application process will be addressed in first quarter 2019.
Phillip Brazier - was shown the site also and nice feature is being able to step away from the website and keep their application in process.
Old Business
TOY Committee - All team of the year awards will be presented at the KCBS annual banquet.
What will it mean for folks who do not attend? Will trophies be mailed? Arlie will be checking if the board vote earlier in the year included shipping or not.
BullSheet - Financial documents have been provided that just show costs, not distribution or amounts. Carolyn was asked to provide more information concerning if the quantities lowered, would that affect the printing and shipping costs. A paper option was discussed in November could easily be implemented. Should have an update for the January meeting.
Deputy Director update - Will discuss in closed session
New Business
Closed Session Agenda
Executive Committee Report
GAC 2019 Sponsor Update
GAC Mobile Tour Personality Agreement
2019 Technology Budget
KCBS Buildings
Deputy Director
Marketing Agreement
Motion to move into closed session at 8:12 pm central
Motion - Mike Richter
Al Sellers 2nd Motion passes unanimously
Motion to move into open session at 9:40 pm central
Wayne Lohman - Motion to adjourn at 9:41 pm central
Mike Richter second Motion passes unanimously